Wednesday, September 3, 2008

someplace foreign

I'm finally in Ecuador. After much planning and a growing packing pile in the corner of my office, I arrived last night on a late flight. Once we touched down, I realized, hey, this is Quito. I know this place.

It's so invigorating to be someplace foreign, to be a strange looking, tall white/pink person with puffy blond hair. I love knowing that my little daily reality is not the only reality, and with some time in a plane seat, you can suddenly become an outsider.

I spent the morning visiting a few tour companies. Of course, they're excited to learn I'm with LP. I discovered a new jungle lodge not listed in my territory, and am wishing I had more time to escape into the jungle and see strange floating plants and dolphins.

For now I'm happy with things like my lunch, a huge plate of delicately spiced lentils, rice and pieces of fried fish for $3. Of course, I doused the food with aji, the tart/spicy side sauce that you see on most Ecuadorian tables. The altitude has been making me quite winded, especially while hiking up the huge hills in Old Town. Tomorrow, as I feel normal, I may move on. Time to hit my territory.

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